Link pink - How long will the rosiness stay?

Free from the clutter of unreasonable and unnatural keyword stuffing, internet has become a much more friendly place to thrive in, compared to what the scenario was a decade ago. Crawlers have become smarter by considerable margins and Search Engines are adapting to the psychology of savvy businesses, that would do almost anything to earn prime positions in audiences' attraction spans. Algorithms have changes and Google Panda has done more good than Kung-fu Panda could have done! So, what's next with linking?

Linking has been a popular way to bring up the page ranking of your business resolution. Well, it is, till today! It is obvious that if appreciated websites link to your site, there has to be something special about it! Search Engines have conventionally considered this fact and the more weight the referrer is, the better would your website be in the eyes of Search Engines. This ritual became so popular, that business owners started sending requests to popular sites for their links to be highlighted. Consequently, off late, Search Engines have become immune to referral linking. Thus, today, referrals are well, not so popular a means of linking back.

A more apparent and visibly more successful means of linking now, is through commenting, guest blogging, social networking and submitting high value articles on free and paid directories. These ways are highly paying and valued Search Engines. Planned strategically and executed in the right manner, with meticulous focus on the quality of the content being put in, are absolutely necessary to bring up the results of any website or blog up on the Search Engine preference criteria.

Just as a piece of information, Google, the biggest and the most highly used Search Engine the world over, employs the best of scientists the world over. These experts keep changing the algorithms that crawlers are to follow for a result to show up in the top ten results. It is definitely tough to fool them! Used in the right manner, and jeweled with useful information, linking will stay for long and have a positive impact on businesses. If taken lightly, however, the linking mechanism will also meet the same fate as extensive keyword using.
