Online Marketing trends that will set your brand on the flight!

Online Marketing has gained an all-fueled importance since the past 2-3 years. Being present online is indispensable, no more an option. The largest share of potent customers feel themselves at ease, knowing about products and services on the internet. Social media marketing has added colors to the feather. Personal platforms are being fluently used by businesses for marketing and brand building purposes. The trend is meant to stay and evolve in the years to come. Speaking of 2014, here are a few practices that every business must get following.
  • Responsive websites and mobile friendly websites: Devices galore and screen sizes ever on the steep rise, technology has enabled the whole internet world to be carried in pockets. Research says, 90% customers use multiple devices sequentially and 67% users make online purchases using smartphones and tablets. 16% of all web traffic is contributed by mobile traffic. Do you want to miss out?
  • Flat and Minimalist Designs: Clip away the clutter. A cluttered website veils the message somewhere, turning down the whole purpose of a website. Minimalist design cuts down the interference. Images and graphics are given weightage. A picture speaks a thousand words, you know? Its a whole new trend, and very much in practice. We recommend, you utilize its benefits too.
  • Social networking: While primitively a medium meant just for personal chit-chats and information sharing, social media platforms have now become hot-spots for businesses. And trust us, people love brands that are active on social media.
  • SEO and digital marketing: Marketing has become a lot easier and a lot more competitive. Glocal being the current goal for all businesses, SEO and mobile marketing have become more relevant than ever. SEO has a big role to play here. Being present at the top results of all Search Engines is beneficial to brands and fetches huge amounts of potent traffic.
  • Relevant Content: It all depends on hitting right at the bull's head. Content is no more fashionable literature. It has become more of an informative approach and the better the information supplied, the heavier the traffic flow. Curation in the new term in.
  • Online media buying and remarketing: How can we forget this part? Google Adroll and other remarketing tools are being increasingly used for spreading word about businesses. Use them, luck would be yours'!
  • Natural SEO: OK, so here is the catch. It is no more about cramming a lot of key words so that your Search Engines easily spot you! Google penalizes for keyword spamming now. SEO has to be natural; more user centric, for that matter.
  • HTML 5 and Rich Snippets: This is an apple! A huge number of websites are coded in HTML 5 because of the hoards of features that it provides. HTML 5 has in fact, given an entirely new meaning to coding!

    More tips yet to come! Till then, visit us at We are sure you would love our work!
